lll Buy lll Is there science behind The Rocking Bed? Expand Absolutely! This report explains in it's findings what we all see with babies and how rocking puts them to sleep. Is the deposit of $245 for all the sizes? Expand Yes, the $245 deposit is for Full, Queen and King size. Where can I learn more about Rocking Bed? Expand You can go to our site: www.rockingbed.com to learn more about our bed. My question is not answered in this FAQ. Expand If you still have questions about The Rocking Bed, please email us at [email protected], we will gladly answer any additional questions you might have. How durable is the Rocking Bed? Expand Is is REALLY durable. The unit weighs just under 200 pounds. It is sturdy! We've tested our prototype with 700 lbs weight for hundreds and hundreds of hours without any problems.